Posts Tagged ‘tumbler’

Delighted. Alhumdulillah.

If anyone had read my introduction as you are aware I bought a breeding pair of Iranian High Flying Tumblers and their squeaker from a breeder in Loughborough. The breeder was a very nice person, he was Kurdish from Loughborough UK. I saw the add online and even though my intention was to fly and breed Birmingham rollers again after having seen the pictures of the Tumblers I think i fell in love with them.  I’ve always loved 2 characteristics in pigeons the crests and the tumbling/ rolling. In the past I did have a crested Birmingham roller which I bought from an old fancier in Sheffield however these Iranian Tumblers after seeing their pictures and reading about them intrigued me and I think they will offer me a bigger and newer challenge. Flying my rollers would have been easy but training and flying high flyers is a totally new ball game for me. The Iranian Highflyer has both these it tumbles and its crested. They are quite beautiful to look at. Plus the additional Arabic/Persian link makes them even more appealing.

Anyways as I was saying I bought the breeding pair on Sunday and to my delight the hen has laid her first egg, she must have laid it during the early hours of this morning as it seemed quite fresh and delicate.  I just hope its been fertilised.  I expect the next egg to be laid approximately forty hours later. In the past I would have removed the first egg and placed it back when the second was laid. this because one of the young will hatch sooner and thus becomes stronger and takes more of the feed, the other has a less chance of surviving, but I shall not tamper with nature and will let it takes it course. 95% of the time both will survive when bred in captivity.

Anyways I’m delighted, I wish I wasn’t at work so  I could rush home see how they are doing and I need to make some little adjustments to my small pigeon coop.

Ma salams,
